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  • createAsyncPagingReducer(actionTypePrefix: string, extraReducer?: AsyncPagingReducerFunction, initialState?: IAsyncPagingState): (state?: { data: IAsyncPagingData[]; error: any; hasMore: boolean; offset: number; pending: boolean; refreshing: boolean }, action: IAsyncPagingAction) => IAsyncPagingState
  • Create a reducer that working with work related steps of state changes like: PENDING => SUCCESS or FAIL. Moreover main use is to target work related to pagination (limit and offset) with server request, database and so on. This function works closely with saga function createAsyncPagingApiWatcher


    // Old way
    const carts = (state = { data: [], offset: 0, pending: false, error: null, hasMore: true }, action) => {
     switch(action.type) {
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_PENDING':
         // return new state telling fetching cart data is pending
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_SUCCESS':
         // return new state with the fetched data of the cart
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_FAIL':
         // return new state telling fetching carts failed
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_ADD_FIRST':
         // return new state with new cart data inserted at first index of the data array
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_ADD_LAST':
         // return new state with new cart data inserted at last index of the data array
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_REMOVE':
         // return new state that one cart item of all is removed
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_UPDATE':
         // return new state that one cart item of all is updated
       case 'FETCH_CARTS_REPLACE':
         // return new state that one cart item of all is replaced with another one
         return state;
    // New way
    const carts = createAsyncPagingReducer('FETCH_CARTS');


    • actionTypePrefix: string

      Main action type

    • extraReducer: AsyncPagingReducerFunction = null
    • initialState: IAsyncPagingState = ...

      Initial state in form of { data: Array<T extends { id: any }>, offset: 0, pending: boolean, error: any, hasMore: boolean }

      // Example
      const carts = createAsyncPagingReducer('FETCH_CARTS');

    Returns (state?: { data: IAsyncPagingData[]; error: any; hasMore: boolean; offset: number; pending: boolean; refreshing: boolean }, action: IAsyncPagingAction) => IAsyncPagingState

      • (state?: { data: IAsyncPagingData[]; error: any; hasMore: boolean; offset: number; pending: boolean; refreshing: boolean }, action: IAsyncPagingAction): IAsyncPagingState
      • Parameters

        • state: { data: IAsyncPagingData[]; error: any; hasMore: boolean; offset: number; pending: boolean; refreshing: boolean } = ...
          • data: IAsyncPagingData[]
          • error: any
          • hasMore: boolean
          • offset: number
          • pending: boolean
          • refreshing: boolean
        • action: IAsyncPagingAction

        Returns IAsyncPagingState


  • createAsyncPagingReducerGroup(nameTypePairs: {}): AsyncPagingReducerGroup
  • Help creating async paging reducers with less lines of code


    • nameTypePairs: {}

      instance object that its properties representing reducer names and the property values representing action types

    Returns AsyncPagingReducerGroup

    instance of object that its properies points to created async reducers


    const product = createAsyncReducerGroup({
    productList: ['FETCH_PRODUCTS', { data: [] }], // set initial state with empty array for property data
    cartList: 'FETCH_CARTS',
    const reducers = combineReducers({


  • createAsyncReducer(actionTypePrefix: string, extraReducer?: AsyncReducerFunction, initialState?: IAsyncState): (state?: { data: any; dataEntity?: {}; error: any; pending: boolean }, action: IAsyncAction) => IAsyncState
  • Create a reducer that working with work related steps of state changes like: PENDING => SUCCESS or FAIL. This function works closely with saga function createAsyncApiWatcher


    // Old way
    const profile = (state = { data: null, pending: false, error: null }, action) => {
     switch(action.type) {
         return { pending: true };
         return { pending: false, data: action.payload };
         return { pending: false, error: action.payload };
         return state;
    // New way
    const profile = createAsyncReducer('FETCH_USER_PROFILE');


    • actionTypePrefix: string

      Main action type

    • extraReducer: AsyncReducerFunction = null

      Reducer function that handle other custom action types

    • initialState: IAsyncState = ...

      Initial state in form of { data: any, pending: boolean, error: any }

      // Example
      const profile = createAsyncReducer('FETCH_USER_PROFILE');

    Returns (state?: { data: any; dataEntity?: {}; error: any; pending: boolean }, action: IAsyncAction) => IAsyncState

      • (state?: { data: any; dataEntity?: {}; error: any; pending: boolean }, action: IAsyncAction): IAsyncState
      • Parameters

        • state: { data: any; dataEntity?: {}; error: any; pending: boolean } = ...
          • data: any
          • Optional dataEntity?: {}
          • error: any

            Tell if a reducer has error

          • pending: boolean

            Tell if a reducer is pending for any work

        • action: IAsyncAction

        Returns IAsyncState


  • createAsyncReducerGroup(nameTypePairs: {}): AsyncReducerGroup
  • Help creating async reducers with less lines of code


    • nameTypePairs: {}

      instance object that its properties representing reducer names and the property values representing action types

      • [key: string]: string | [string, AsyncReducerFunction, IAsyncState]

    Returns AsyncReducerGroup

    instance of object that its properies points to created async reducers


    const product = createAsyncReducerGroup({
    productList: 'FETCH_PRODUCTS',
    productDetail: ['FETCH_PRODUCT_DETAIL', { data: {} }], // set initial state with instance object for property data
    cartList: 'FETCH_CARTS',
    const reducers = combineReducers({


  • Create a batch of reducer object that each property representing nested reducers


    • init: IReducerBatchInit
      const reducers = createReducerBatch({
       mute: ['SET_MUTE', false],
       profile: ['SET_PROFILE', { name: '', gender: '' }]
      // You will get a reducer like the following one
      reducers = {
       mute: function (state = false, action) { ... },
       profile: function (state = { name: '', gender: '' }, action) { ... }

    Returns IReducerBatch



  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Type alias
  • Interface
  • Class

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